SWEPs marine-classified heat exchangers are suitable for a large variety of applications such as fuel oil heaters, oil coolers, cargo and comfort chillers. We also address the compact boil-off gas (BOG) systems in gas carriers and both BOG-integrated and separate LNG vaporizers for the ship’s fuel system.
Unrivaled economizer performance
Our brazed plate heat exchangers are used for the marine chillers market, especially the economizer application but with increasing market share for all types of heat exchanger duties.
Keep maintenance to a bare minimum
Our offering combines competence and a comprehensive product range reaching from the lowest to very high capacities.
Robust heat exchangers with marine certification
For the Marine sector we have gathered our most reliable and robust heat exchangers, that perform the job with minimum maintenance. All the major marine classification societies are covered.

SWEP guarantees top notch quality at all times, anywhere in the world, no matter where you are. Our products have a long service life. This is achieved by controlling the materials used, monitored process parameters, and ongoing and regular product testing.