Fuel cells produce electricity used in a wide range of systems for fuel processors, power conditioners, air compressors, and humidifiers used in various sectors including transportation, factories, vehicles, and high-tech semiconductor processing industries.
Converting chemical energy to clean electrical energy
Applications using fuel cells are generally characterized by a demand for low and clean emissions, low noise, high efficiency, or long-term energy storage requirements.
Fuel cells have several advantages over combustion engines in that they can operate at higher efficiencies and convert the chemical energy in the fuel directly to electrical energy with efficiencies capable of exceeding 60% with very to no carbon dioxide emissions as they emit only water.
A fit for every need
SWEP has been supplying producers of proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells with copper-free heat exchangers for stack cooling and exhaust gas heat recovery for more than a decade. We also supply brazed plate heat exchangers in a wide range of capacities for fuel-processing equipment.
For the most demanding industrial and utility applications that impose high demands on corrosion resistance and have a low tolerance for contamination, our All-Stainless range is an ideal choice.

AsyMatrix® is SWEP's innovative asymmetric plate design technology for brazed plate heat exchangers.